Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Well it's been a while since I posted.  I took a 2 week trip to Albuquerque to visit my friend Linda.  Now usually when we get together we really get crazy productive.  This time not so much.  I ended up with a horrible viral infection and spent most of the time in bed.  We did get out to the Bosque del Apache - here are a couple of pictures.
Bald Eagle

Blue Heron (I think)
We also saw a few hawks and some wild pigs.
Linda had arranged for a gourd decorating class that I didn't want to miss, so here's a  picture of the final results.  There were six of us in the class.
Linda did much more sewing during my visit.  Here's her work in progress.


I worked on assembling a nested blocks quilt for a great niece to replace her baby quilt that was lost in a fire.  and squaring up half square triangles (with a lot of Linda's help).  Thank you Linda. 

My previous visit I tried to get roadrunner and crane pictures (outside Linda's front window) with no luck.  This trip the wildlife was abundant.


March and April I worked at the hospital, made a couple of trips to St. Louis for family functions and got some quilting done (one queen size quilt for me and 3 charity quilts),
My Queen Pineapple Blossom

and the three charity quilts

At the end of the month 2 friends and I took a road trip to Paducah for the AQS quilt show, and what a show here are just a few of the lovely quilts we saw.


So now it's May (where has the time gone???) and I leave tomorrow morning for Salt Lake City and the HMQS where I'll meet up with Linda, take some classes and generally have a good time!  I'll try to post more often from now on.

Until then - happy quilting! 



Saturday, February 1, 2014

January progress and completions:

 Snail's trail, 24 placemats and napkins, Rainbow Modern quilt and map quilt of Port Townsend, Washington.
11 Charity quilts completed in January.

Birthday parties - 3 trips to St. Louis for family functions - 4.  See pictures below.

Kalei's 13th birthday!

Marsha's 60th Birthday

L to R My brother Ray (Marsha's husband), my sister Alice, her daughter Lena and my sister Ruth.
I'm hoping February will be a little quieter, I'll be traveling to Albuquerque to visit my best friend Linda and we'll be quilting up a storm!
Happy quilting til my next post.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Family get togethers

I worked the week of Christmas, so we spent a quiet Christmas day here in Memphis, then went up to St. Louis to celebrate the holiday with my family on December 28.  Had a lovely post Christmas dinner at my sister's house with my other sibs (except for Sister #2 - we missed you Ruth and Carl!) and their kids and grandkids - what a houseful.  Here are a few pictures from the dinner and gift opening.
Gary checking out the food

My sister Alice (hostess for the shindig) adding more food to the counter.
Aunt Rosalie waiting to open presents

My Niece Aubrey and her husband Brian

Dawn, Rachel, Nathan, Bethany, Kendal and Jessica

Alice and Kellan
Alice's husband Dale (yes, I know he looks like he belongs on Duck Dynasty!)

My older brother Gil, his son Daniel and Daniel's son Max

My younger brother Ray and his wife Marsha

Lovely Kellan - what a sweet face!

brother Rocco, another sweet boy

Gil's wife Kathy and grandson Max
New Year's Day we got together with my best frined from High School and her husband to visit and exchange gifts.  Each year she and her grandson make a gingerbread house - here are a couple of photo's.
I don't know if you can tell from this photo, but Santa is pulling the sleigh with Rudolph driving! :-)

She also has the most lovely nativity set, so I had to take a picture. 

This sign cracked me up!  Are they thankful they're closed??
More family get togethers with my next post!
Happy Quilting!